
In this Site you will find articles, recorded talks, extracts from and information on books on Yoga, Vedanta, Zen, Buddhism, Judo and Shogi.

We encourage you to contact us with questions and comments. The site is being continually reviewed and developed and your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

This website incorporates all the information contained in Trevor Leggett’s two websites which he established between the years 1995 -2000. We here reproduce the two sites with the same appearance and content as they had before his death in August 2000. He was always keen to use new ways to disseminate spiritual methods and teachings and to encourage people to realize their true self. In the year 2000 his sites were getting an average of 6900 hits per month.

Meditation information

 Articles popular in the last month

Latest news release


‘Zen and the Ways’ and ‘ Three Ages of Zen’

Available now at £12.99 each

‘A First Zen Reader’ and ‘The Tiger’s Cave – A Second Zen Reader’

Available in Spring 2018

Published by the Buddhist Society, London, in partnership with TLAYT, these four books are being offered in new, high quality, softback editions.

 Jewels from the Indra Net’

Trevor Leggett’s last book of Yoga and Zen teaching stories will be available late in 2018 as an e-book edition published by TLAYT. It will have a new cover designed by the winning student of Sussex Coast College, Hastings design competition sponsored by TLAYT.

‘The Dragon Mask’

This book of Judo stories in the Zen tradition is now available in e-book and softback editions published by Ukemi Productions Ltd at £6.15 and £5.36 respectively.

‘Encounters in Yoga and Zen’ and ‘Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool’

New editions of these books published by TLAYT are now available as audiobooks, e-books and softback editions at £7.99, £4.99 and £8.99 respectively.

‘The Complete Commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutras

– The vivarana sub-commentary to Vyasa-bhashya on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’

Available now at £4.99, published by TLAYT this new e-book edition contains two additions to the original edition – a short guide on ‘How to use this book’ written by Trevor Leggett and a new Preface produced by Dr. Kengo Harimoto of Mohidal University, Thailand. Dr. Harimoto is the author of ‘ God, Reason and Yoga’ and many other academic works including papers on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Trevor Leggett’s books embrace four main categories:-

Academic translations of texts on spiritual training in Sanskrit and Japanese. These texts shed new light on theory and practice.

Traditional explanations of Yoga and Zen teaching for daily life practice. Here, the author is carrying on an instruction from his teacher to spread Truth in universal non-sectarian terms.

Many little-known training stories, ancient and modern, from both Yoga and Zen traditions. These stories give vivid instances of applications to daily life.

Technical instruction books on Judo and Shogi (Japanese Chess). Both Judo and Shogi can be used as ways for inner development.